Monday, 11 July 2011

11th July 2011 (Back)

Back to Perth. Seriously, I've never thought that I would have this sort of emotions especially after considering what has happen before. In Miri, the house is always filled with at least 1/2 people and making noise and others. Now that I'm back in Perth, even if there's people in the house, there's never any noise, each just do their own things without any interaction. Probably, something has changed somewhere which I myself didn't know what it is or couldn't explain it well enough. Somehow, this situation now makes me feel so lonely and left out which I would never have such feelings back in the past. Is this called homesick? I never know since I could never imagine myself being in homesick situation and have never experience it. So I don't really know what it is. But being the first time experiencing this feeling. I guess it is. Hope that I could adapt back as fats as possible. I wouldn't want to stay in this situation when the new semester begins. =(
*Nanda ka sabishi ne!

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