Everyone have their own issue in life. Life is not perfect and pretty as any child has imagined. Freedom? Nope
Money? Nope
Perfect lifestyle? Nope
Burden? Yes
How then, do Christians live in this world without being swayed by earthly desires?
By faith? Maybe
Attending church and fellowship? Probably
Having a close relationship with God? Definitely!
(How do you do that? By PRAYER!!)
Prayer is the answer for everything as a living christian.
However, fasting comes when one is desperate in praying, as bible said:
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
It is not a sign of petition where you threaten God to give as you have already given up something (fasting). You don't trade with God for that! God doesn't need anything that you are trading with Him.
Despite that, fasting prayer doesn't mean that you will definitely get what you want. Remember that you are not doing a business trade. You are ONLY desperate to ask for what you want in life. God will have His own time and things prepared for you. He may not give you what you ask for; but whatever He gave you will definitely be the most essential, best and most suitable thing in your life. for the bible said, "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?
" (Luke 11:11).
Therefore, rest assure for God has prepared the best to be given to you at the best time in your life. Stay faithful and wait for His time.